On-line Registration
Our registration system is efficient, fast, easy to use, and easy to administer.
For the delegate, it is simple, and flexible, allowing quick registration, easy secure payment, the ability to see and edit their registration, print their own payment receipts, or receive confirmation and receipt by email.
It accommodates delegate as well as non-delegate events, tours, and sales of products.
Ticketed and controlled events are no problem and you can maintain wait lists for sold-out events.
Promo codes to allow for flexible delegate pricing
Gives the administrator access to the on-line set-up, so you can change pricing, deadlines, promo codes or offerings.
The SCOLARS system can generate a complete set of on-line reports, so you can get up to date registration details at any time.
A flexible and easy to use on-site registration system, produces name badges, receipts and reports on site.